When is the best time to remove snow from your roof

Image de Michaël de Devis Toiture Montréal

Michaël from Devis Toiture

Blog section Apr. 13 2022

When is the best time to remove snow from your roof...

Image of a snow-covered roof.
Image of a snow-covered roof.
Source: Photo by Daniela Altorfer

Ideally, this should be done on a sunny day, after no precipitation is expected for at least 24 hours.

And make sure your gutters are clear before you start!

It's important to know the best time to remove snow from your roof. If you wait too long, the snow can start to melt and then refreeze, creating an even bigger problem. If there is a lot of snow on your roof, it is best to wait for a sunny day so that the heat can help melt the snow.

You should also make sure that there is no other precipitation expected before you start plowing.

Another thing to consider is whether or not your gutters are clogged. If they are, it's best to clear them before trying to remove snow from your roof. Otherwise, all the melted snow will have nowhere to go and will accumulate on your roof, which could lead to other problems.

Here are some tips for safe and effective snow removal from the roof...

  • Use a plastic or rubber shovel to avoid damaging your shingles.
  • Start at the edge of your roof and work your way down, removing the snow in rows. Be especially careful not to let the snow slide off abruptly, as this could damage the gutters or break the windows below.
  • Don't try to remove all the snow at once - try to clear a path about 60 cm wide so you can move around safely.
  • If possible, enlist the help of another person so you can keep an eye on the other person while they are on the roof.

Roof damage caused by snow...

If you live in an area where it snows, you know that snow can cause all sorts of problems for your roof. The weight of the snow can damage your shingles and even cause your roof to collapse if there is enough of it. And when the snow melts, it can seep into your home and cause water damage. So what can you do to prevent this from happening?

First, make sure your gutters are clear of debris so they can properly drain the melted snow from your home. You should also check the eaves and overhangs of your roof to make sure there is no ice or snow accumulation. If you see areas where snow has started to melt and refreeze, use a de-icer to break up the ice so it doesn't cause further damage.

If you have a lot of trees near your home, consider having them pruned to prevent them from dropping heavy branches on your roof during a winter storm. Finally, make sure your attic insulation is adequate so that melting snow doesn't turn into damaging water leaks inside your home.