How to achieve a relaxing bedroom

Image de Michaël de Devis Toiture Montréal

Michaël from Devis Toiture

Blog section Feb. 13 2016

1. Opaque Window Coverings

The body naturally repairs itself when we sleep and requires darkness in order to do this effectively.

There are a host of options when it comes to blackouts which filter sufficient light so that you are able to wake-up to natural sunlight in the morning yet still provides enough privacy when it is daytime.

2. Calming Color Palettes

Cooler hues are a better choice for bedrooms due to their calming effects.

Lilac, blue and the cool gray shades promote rest.

The warmer tones are in most cases energizing and might keep you awake at night.

3. Minimalist Décor

Even though the eyes close when we are asleep, when your bedroom is filled with distractions, it can become harder to fall asleep.

It is a good idea to clear any clutter that surrounds your bed.

When you keep the room clear from distractions it can assist in clearing your mind just before you go to bed at night.

4. Expressive Headboards

Your headboard is the perfect place to bring interest into the room and a way to express creativity.

If you do not have a headboard, you can also install something interesting just above the bed.

Keep in mind what the headboard looks like when you lie down.

Avoid making it too distracting or letting it influence your sleep.

Remember, that you should always be focused on achieving a better night’s sleep.

Make sure it’s nice and peaceful and comfortable, like your Walmart mattress.

5. Position Your Bed Properly

Your bed should be located in such a way that it will be the first thing that you see when walking into your room.

In general, this is the ideal way to make you feel invited in your own space.

However, if you have windows that overlook a view that is worthwhile, you may want to flip the bed to face an attractive view.

Just ensure that you invest in the blackout shades that was mentioned earlier.

6. Safe Spaces

Make sure that you have left ample space around the bed to avoid stubbing toes or bumping shins when you get out or into your bed.

Think about the dimensions of your bed-frame when you buy a mattress and not only that it can hold a full queen, a twin or a king size bed.

7. Adjustable Lighting

Lighting around your bed is crucial. Soothing and soft lighting is the best choice for bedrooms.

Choosing the light fixtures that feature a dimmer is a great choice as it allows you to regulate the level of light that the fixtures emit.

The sconce adjustable lights are the ideal option as it allows for a way to keep the area of your nightstand tidy and neat, and you can position the light to offer the right amount of light when you read in bed.

8. Quiet Ceiling Fan

When you plan your bedroom design, it is always a good idea to add in a good quality ceiling fan.

These fans work on providing fresh air and good circulation which can assist in a better night’s rest.

It is not essential to invest in a fan, yet it is an attractive feature for a healthy bedroom. When choosing a bedroom fan make sure you choose a model that makes the least noise.